
dance academy & entertainment

Have you always wanted to learn SALSA, or improve your SALSA technique? Do you want to impress your friends at your favorite gathering or family function?


Style vs Technique

Luminadance is an innovative dance project. Our professionals will teach you the techniques you need as a man to be able to transmit the dance to the woman as his dance partner. At the same time, we teach the woman all the elements she needs to know to be able to follow you.

Latin dance is a challenge in which each member of the dance couple has a mission or a role. Luminadance teaches you how to play your role when you dance, so you can feel free and have fun while dancing.

You will appreciate that in each Luminadance class we will teach you the techniques as well as the elements necessary to control your body and the space in which you dance.

Luminadance, will show you the basics and the knowledge you need to not only dance but also create your own style.